Pforzheim tunnel

Reconstruction of the Pforzheim tunnel, VE 03



DB Netz AG

Project volume

EUR 8.5 million

Construction time

09/2016 – 07/2019 (35 months)

Earthworks, drainage and track work as well as underground cable construction as part of the Pforzheim tunnel construction, including the slab track in the tunnel. A signal boom including foundations is to be erected in the Pforzheim preliminary cut.

•    1,800 m of slab track in 2-track tunnel
•    2,200 m of gravel track
•    4 x transitions slab track tunnel – gravel
•     2,600 m of concrete KK size III
•    2,200 m of deep drainage
•    1,100 m of DN 400 - 200 collection pipes
•     35 m of 2,200 sewer with storage capacity and overflow
•    Various bored pile foundations for signals and overhead cable units
•    300 m of mass-spring systems under the slab track
•    25,000 m³ of soil replacement