Hansalinie Bremen rail overbridge

For the development of the Hansalinie industrial park in Bremen-Hemelingen, two railway overbridges were built. Crossing of the DB line 1404 takes place here at km 6.8 + 182.



Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen

Project volume

EUR 10.0 million

Construction time

01/2015 – 12/2015 (12 months)

The two transferred tracks are located at different heights, approx. +12.19 m NN on the north side and approx. 10.14 m NN on the south side. The terrain level is approx. 6.00 m above sea level. Due to the different track heights, the distance between the tracks is so great that a track slab was not feasible. Two railway bridges were built alongside each other.

Sheet piling was driven into the railway embankment to construct the substructures. In addition to securing the embankment, these were also used to support 4 x ZH 9 auxiliary bridges with a span of 24.00 m each. DB AG required and carried out extensive monitoring of the auxiliary bridges. After the excavation, the bridges received a bored pile foundation, on which the abutments were placed. The tracks were constructed parallel to the railway embankment and installed after completion of the abutments.

  • 25.95 m of spans
  • 45.48 m in total length
  • 4.85 m of clearance height
  • 9,000 m³ of excavated soil
  • 2,500 m³ of structural backfill
  • 320 m of drilling piles D = 1.20 m
  • 860 m³ of concrete substructures
  • 320 m³ of concrete superstructures
  • 2,000 t of reinforcing steel
  • 175 t of WIB steel
  • 800 m of tracks